Respiratory chain expression
nuclear control of, 267
Respiratory distress, 272
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS),
406, 408
Respiratory infections, 220
Respiratory quotient, 77
Respirometer, 78
Restriction enzymes, 530
Restriction fragment length
polymorphisms (RFLPs), 534
Restriction map, 532
Restriction sites, 539
RET (REarranged during transfection),
8 8 6
RET gene,
8 8 6
RET proto-oncogene, 767,
8 8 6
Reticuloendothelial system, 304
Retinal, 23
Retinitis pigmentosa, 269, 907, 911
Retinoblastoma, 535, 559, 611
Retinoblastoma, osteosarcoma, 612
Retinoic acid, 906
Retinoic acid receptor regulation, 711
Retinoic acid receptors (RARs), 906
Retinoic acid-binding proteins, 906
Retinoid receptors belong, 906
Retinoid X receptors (RXRs), 710, 883,
Retinoids, 904
Retinol, 905
Retinol-binding protein, 333, 905
Retinopathy, 514
Retinyl esters, 905
Retrolental fibroplasia, 913
Retroviruses, 545, 612
Reverse transcriptase, 610
Reversible enzyme inhibitors, 92
Reversible inhibition, 92
Reye’s syndrome, 370
Rh blood group antigens, 168
Rhnun syndrome, 168
Rhabdomyolysis, 126,280
L-Rhamnose, 143
Rheumatic conditions, 207
Rheumatoid arthritis, 179, 219, 827
Rho, 568
Rho (D) positive, 168
Rhodanese, 898
Rhodanese (thiosulfate: cyanide
Rhodopsin, 908, 909
RIA (radioimmunoassay), 105, 124,
vs. ELISA, 130
Ribavarin monophosphate, 627
Riboflavin (vitamin B2), 915
Ribonucléase, 47, 202
Ribonucléase A, 59
Ribonucléase P (RNase P), 571
Ribonucleases (ribozymes), 85
RNAse P, 85
Ribonucleases (RNases), 530
Ribonucleotide reductase, 624, 625
Ribose 5-phosphate, 299
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA), 563, 564
Ribosomes, 563, 575
70S ribosome
dissociation of, 578
Ribosuria, 296
Ribozymes, 571, 575
Ribulose 5-phosphate, 299
Ricin, 223
Rickets, 878,
8 8 8
Rifampin, 568, 569
Risedronate, 890
RGS proteins, 715
RNA, 522
60S ribosomal subunit, 223
editing, 566
enzymatic synthesis, 566
heterogeneous nuclear (hnRNA), 571
polymerase II promoters, 569
polymerase III promoters, 569
splicing in eukaryotes, 570
structure, 564
RNA (ribonucleic acid), 521
RNA editing, 607
RNA polymerase
elongation site, 567
initiation site, 567
model of RNA, 566
synthesis, 566
RNA polymerase II promoters, 569
RNA polymerases
eukaryotic, 568
RNA processing
regulation of, 606
RNase L, 600
RNase-A, 59
RNases, 600
RNS primer excision
DNA repair, 548
Rod outer segment, 911
Rofecoxib, 393
Rolling-circle, 547
Rotenone, 253
Rotor’s syndrome, 695
Rough endoplasmic reticulum, 580
Rouleaux, 433
Rous sarcoma virus, 609, 610
RU486, 800
Russell’s viper venom, 870
Ryanodine at, 465
Ryanodine receptor (RyR), 281, 464
RyR, 464
RyR conductance, 465
RyR genes, 465
N-methyltransferase (PNMT), 761
S-adenosylmethionine (SAM, “active
methionine”), 108
S-nitrosothiol, 26
S. au reu s,
Saccharides, 133
Saccharin, 146
S a cch a ro m y ces cerevisia e,
Sacrolemma, 288
Sail, 531
Saliva production, 146
Salivary a-amylase, 209
Salivary glands, 197, 198
Salmon calcitonin, 887
6 6 8
S a lm o n ella typh im u riu m ,
Salting-in phenomenon, 41
Salting-out phenomenon, 41
Salvage pathways, 622
Sandhoff’s disease, 190, 413
Sanfilippo’s syndrome type C, 187
Sanfillipo C mucopolysaccharidosis, 324
Sanger method, 536
Sanger’s reagent, 43
Sanger, fred, 536
Sarcoidosis, 952
Sarcolemma, 455, 457
Sarcoma, 611
Sarcomeres, 456
Sarcoplasmic reticulum, 455
Sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum, 466
Satellite DNA, 530
Satiety, 149
Scar formation, 179
Scatchard plot, 105
Schiff base, 32, 337
Schiff base adduct
fructosamine form, 155
Schiff’s reagent, 139
Schiff-base adduct, 32
Schilling test, 921
Sciatic nerve, 139
SCID, 537
SCLC, 611
Screening and prenatal diagnosis, 670
Scurvy, 21, 585, 588, 903, 926
SDS-protein complexes, 40
Second messenger signals, 111
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